Monday, Feb. 28

Here we are - the last day of February.  and we woke up to everything coated in ice.  I couldn't even scrape my windshield, it was so thick.  Good riddance to February and its snowfall record.
My son left his facebook account open on the home computer.  I was looking at all the postings on his home page, most from kids from school.  their world is so innocent and uncomplicated.  I look at what I am posting on a daily basis on this blog - all my gloom and doom stories.  My negative opinions about our elected officials.  My prediction of a world war based on debt....Contrast that with what a high schooler considers important....calling each other gay, professing their love or contempt for each other, trash talking...Such a simpler time.  And since my son always seems infinitely happier than I, I believe therein lies a lesson.  but, when you get to 52 yrs old, I guess we get conditioned to look at the negative side of everything, as that always seems to be the most likely outcome of everything. 
or is it just me???


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