Friday, Feb. 4 - what a week

to thank us for enduring the blizzard this week, Mother Nature now sends a cold snap...oh well - March is not far off.
I am wiped out today.  the culmination of the weeks activity/craziness has come home to roost.  Looking at the blizzard on Wednesday, and our work that day, I would have it no other way.  Had I been home, I would have been sitting in front of the computer, aimlessly surfing the same web sites, playing game after game of hearts...I would rather be in the middle of the action.  and I was...or at least standing at the ready while the team was in full swing.  Of course, we dealt with a lot of issues yesterday: missing deliveries, late deliveries, etc....and not a single thank you.  I suppose that is a commentary on the fickle nature of clients.  but, as I wrote yesterday, I know what it took to do what was done.
There are some that will come join the battle, and some that stand by, do nothing, and walk the battlefield later to bayonet the wounded.  (I love that analogy).  I have no respect for the latter, and the world is full of them.  we all know who you are...


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