Friday, Feb. 18

Two weeks ago there were 4 and 5 foot snow drifts everywhere.  Last Thursday, the car thermometer said 5 below when I drove to work.  Yesterday, the temp was 45 degrees at the same time.  and today, there is quite a bit of grass showing were there were drifts last week.  A 50 degree swing in a week.  Amazing.  In less than 2 weeks, it will be March.  In like a lion, out like a lamb.  or so we hope.
The story from Wisconsin was pretty funny - the Dem lawmakers fleeing to Rockford so they didn't have to vote on spending cuts.  What next?  As in, what state is next...what crazy antics will politicians resort to in order to avoid doing what should be/has to be done?  I consider myself reasonable intelligent (and by comparison to our politicians, I am a frickin genius) but I see no way out of the mess many states, and our county in general, are in.  We have gotten beyond the point where those in office can put on a band aid that will last until after the next election.  Or am I just too much of an alarmist?

at any rate, it is Friday.  NBA All Star Weekend, and Daytona on Sunday.  Maybe it is time to go to the golf dome and start my preparation for a really hideous season of bad golf shots.


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