Friday, October 9

I was outside last night to get the recycle bin, and noticed some Halloween decorations on the house across the street. I have written in the past of the memories I have of my unemployed time, and this was another of those times. I remember last Halloween getting ready for the trick or treaters, and my wife figured we didn't have enough candy. so, it was off to Wal Mart for me....and on that drive, I realized just how little my time was worth. at 3:30, I was off to Wal Mart to buy candy - when I should have been slaving away at work. Now, I had never been home to watch my kids off for Trick or Treat, and should have appreciated that time, but all I could think of was that I had no purpose. Kind of the end of the road.

In the last few weeks, I have spoken with, or traded emails with colleagues who are now downsized - they were working when I was not, and now are in the market themselves. Things have not improved one bit. So many talented professionals out of work, and in the market. I appreciate when folks reach out to me to see what I know of - I have hired 2 people at my current company who were laid off, so you never know who can help.

at any rate, I felt it appropriate to write of my flashback from last year. it might be the memories evoked from a song from that time, or something else, but the memories of the frustration of that time are still never too far from the surface. I do find the apprehension diminishing (gee - after 6 months on the job it should be) but talking to colleagues who are newly affected reinforces we are a long way from being out of the woods.

and, Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize.. Kind of like telling a firefighter to drop the hose to accept his award as the best liontamer. makes sense to me.

back at ya


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