Spring is finally here

Beautiful day today. My son starts baseball and the weather is finally cooperating. It is so nice to have some good weather - I have been outside as much as possible, and hence, not sitting in front of a computer. The next 6 months almost make up for the depressing winter we just went through.
Now that I am working, I delete without opening the auto job notifications I get from Careerbuilder, Monster, etc. I remember the days when I eagerly awaited the Sunday Trib and its thick job section. Scanning each category, handwriting a cover letter, getting a rejection letter via regular mail. The whole thing is so cold and impersonal now. That's progress, huh?
The new job is moving right along. Learing the organization, its clients, the processes. Getting an opportunity to implement some controls and metrics for my area is a great opportunity.
An acquaintace that I had helped get a part time job told me yesterday that he got up early and felt good about himself. And I knew exactly what he was talking about.
so, enjoy the weather, and best of luck to all.


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