Wednesday - no rain but very cold.

I had lunch today with a fellow downsized former colleague. About 50 minutes into the lunch I had to stop and point out that we had been talking for awhile and neither of us had gotten a phone call, or talked about rushing back to the office. It is nice to feel like a person, and not an automaton for a change. Of couse, we all long to get back on the treadmill and work asap, but again, there are some positives to stepping back for awhile.
I spoke with 3 former coworkers from my last job yesterday. Things there are not good - more layoffs, pay cuts, 401k freeze. So, still being there would be mentally taxing. More lucrative, but taxing nonetheless.
I remember when I used to work downtown and was a slave to the train schedule. I was gone for 12 hours on a good day. I used to dream about staying home and just doing nothing for a change. That is good for maybe 2 weeks of idleness. But now I know I have had my fill (and then some) of downtime. Call it a sabbatical.
I got a note from the unemployment office today. They need to interview me because there is a question about the consulting project I did last month. Of course, I only agreed to do the job after I had called the IDES so as to not jeopardize my benefit, which I did not claim while I was working. Nice, huh? So, before you take on temporary work, make sure you check it out first - not that it will do any good.
time to walk the dog - he starts bothering me to take him about this time every afternoon. That's the only time during the day when he is not sleeping. it's a dog's life....


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