Tuesday - day 1 down, hopefully many more to go

Day 1 of job went well. Environment is good, and the organization seems to value its people which is rare.
as promised, this is the bad list from my down time. Not that anyone will be surprised by it - every day of a layoff will suck if you don't do something to make it not suck. so, make your days not suck.....
1. For some reason, one day sticks out in my mind. On Halloween, we were getting ready for my son to get home, and my wife thought we needed more candy. I had bought a ton, but agreed to go to Wal Mart at about 2 in the afternoon. I remember thinking how little value my time had and that an errand to Wal Mart was a far cry from my duties as a VP just a month before.
2. Every fall, I make a big deal of taking the family to the corn field maze in Richmond. I really enjoy the old time feel of the event and the family has a great time walking the maze. This year, I was deep in the post layoff depression, and cancelled the outing to save money. Well, that day will be remembered for missing the event, not for the $100 I saved by not going. The family knew I really liked going, and knew I was not myself for having cancelled the trip. In the scheme of things, we could have afforded it without suffering.
3. I sat on the computer, compulsively sending out resumes, and watching my working neighbors leave for their jobs - and return home at the end of the day. I saw other out of workers do their daily jog, or bike ride, or dog walk. I lived my life like Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window. Don't make that mistake - LIVE!!! Get off your ass, interact, make phone calls, meet with colleagues who have time for you. You impress no one by living through email.
4. Don't expect any professional consideration from prospective employers - those days are gone. After an interview, send your thank you note, but don't expect a rejection letter if you are not the candidate. Recruiters don't care that you are at your wits end and can do the job. Most will seem put out if you call to follow up. But, the tide will turn and these people will get the same treatment at some point.

well - time to get my son off to school and leave for work myself.
Good luck to you seekers. It feels so much different to be planning my day ahead with work activities, and I hope you are all doing the same soon.


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