Thursday March 5

The interview yesterday went well - I believe I will hear back from them. But I have been conditioned not to get my hopes up. Having gone through this drill for 6 months now, I have heard it all. My wife asked me why I wasn't more excited, and I told her that until I have that offer, and have started the job, I will contain my enthusiasm. Also, 2 of my friends have started jobs only to have them end for no good reason. but, at some point I really have to let myself feel some relief.

Funny thing about this period of financial stress. The family has really learned to do with less. Not do without - we just don't buy a lot of the unnecessary things we used to. I went to take the garbage out this morning, and there was no full bag in the garage. We would usually have at least one. We have learned to buy just what we need. For those who followed this blog for awhile, you may remember my comments at Christmas about having very little to toss, while other houses had tons of boxes, bags, etc. Except for buying a set of tires, we have not used a credit card since September. For us, that is unheard of. So, we have learned to be disciplined in our spending, and when I am working, we will continue this model. My wife was talking last night about what we need to do in order to pay off our house in 10 years. I like that kind of thinking.

Having lunch with a fellow downsized colleague today. and hopefully getting an offer by the end of this week. guardedly optimistic.....


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