Wednesday - Feb 18 Back to Whence I Started

With my project completed, I am back in the rut...I mean job search. As I have previously written, I got complacent over the last 4 weeks and did not search as diligently as I had been. Although my results from searching hard did not result in too much. But, all it takes is one. One good interview, one perfect match. It is such a tenuous balance between gainfully employed and unemployed. I wonder what the ACCO people feel like today. I would imagine most folks there are just barely making it at 100% of their pay. Now they have to learn to make do at 50%. Of course, I went from making very good money to living on $320 a week and our savings. It can be done, just not to extravagantly. Ordering a pizza is a big decision.
One good byproduct of this unemployment has been that we stopped using our credit cards. It is nice to not get the shock of that bill coming each month. Actually we used to get 2 or 3 big bills per month. When I am working once again, we plan to keep that discipline in place.
So, here I sit at the computer......must be a job out there for me somewhere......


  1. Thanks for continuing to share with us, my friend. This night will end and the sun will come out tomorrow. OK, so I couldn't come up with anything better than a quote from "Annie" - but you get what I mean. Let's go get some jobs! Take care, Jim Warda


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