The Unemployment Office

As a result of working the last 4 weeks, I had to reapply for unemployment today. The jobless situation really hits home when you go to the IDES office. I got there early and there was already a line. Filled out my form, waited to be called, talked to the claims person. I met a woman who had 25 years with a company and was let go Friday. Unceremoniously dumped. I encouraged her to get the book "In search of the perfect job". The first 50 or so pages is all about dealing with the feelings of getting laid off. It is a necessary process to go through the anger, denial, depression steps. You really need to go through these steps in order to move forward. Anyway, my experience there today was a bummer. I saw a guy that I always see at the health club. I saw well dressed professionals, laborers, and everything in between. I imagine their business is booming these days, and will continue to do so.

This is the first Monday in a month that I am home...not something I cherish. When I used to work downtown and was a slave to the long commute, I dreamed of days of doing nothing....sitting at home. well, I have had enough of it.

but, I am dealing with the frustration much better than I had been previously. I guess 5 months of it will do that for you, huh?

happy Monday, all.


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