Tuesday, Feb 10

I had to leave my project early today because my son was home sick. I suppose it is a good thing to have a flexible contract relationship with an organization, but it is still a bummer knowing the project will be done this week or next. But, such is life. I don't believe this will lead to anything with this company, but it is nice to get busy and thinking again. I like analysis, and have done some basic studies on available data which was out of spec from the original assignment, but I believe valuable. I have a call later this week about another potential contract position. so, it is nice to have something stirring, but still frustrating that full time employment with benefits is so elusive.

on the plus side, it is 61 degrees outside. we can almost see the end of winter approaching. Of course, the year I got married (1983) we got 15 inches of snow on March 19. So, don't get out the golf clubs just yet.

good day to all.


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