Sunday Morning

Just got done reading the Sunday Trib. I remember years ago, before the internet, the Sunday job ads were a weekly reason to be excited. You'd gauge the week's possibilites by the weight of the jobs section, and carefully scan each column looking for ads you would respond to by snail mail. These days, the Trib job section is maybe 10 pages, and contains very few positions worth responding to.
On Friday, I spoke with an exec I used to work with/for at a company a few lives ago. He left the company after I did, and is now president of a small marketing company. We had a good talk, but his road was not unlike ours - struggling to make it each day, weathering the tough times. We hear so much about networking and its critical function in the job search. I would liken the current environment to the scene in Titanic where the ship is pitching, and the survivors are looking for the best spot to hold onto the deck rail. They are the job holders and the seekers are those that are spinning out of control down the rapidly slanting deck. Those with a good spot on the rail are not exactly in position to invite a few more doomed passengers to hold onto the spot they have. Well, maybe not the best analogy, but it works for me.
at any rate, tomorrow is Monday - and my quest continues. the contract project will be done tomorrow, and I am a free agent once again.


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