Friday, June 24, 2022

 Summer is here in Chicago.  In the last 2 weeks we have hit 100 degrees a few times.  And, like every year, summer will go by in a heartbeat.  We are going fishing in 4 weeks, and get back at the beginning of August.  That, to me, is the end of summer.  but until then, much golf to play.

I was at the pool today and there were 3 young kids swimming, and speaking a language I didn't recognize.  I asked the boy near me what language he was speaking and his sister, who looked about 7, said "Ukraine".  So I guess the refugees are making it to Arlington Heights.  A much more peaceful place. 

We are playing a course on Sunday that we play once a year.  It is up near Wisconsin but worth the drive..once a year.  We tee off at 630 am, so will have to get up at 430.  Since I don't have to get up for work on Monday, I don't have any fucks to give.  all the more reason not to get a job. Given the market downturn, I may have to consider that scorched earth strategy.  Maybe in a year or so. 

Much hand wringing about the Supreme Court decision about Roe vs Wade.  Again, zero fucks to give.  Maybe if they ban pizza I will respond like these people are responding.  

Beyond that...happy Friday.  I hope you are staying above it all.  Here is a post I deemed not up to my standard for linkedin.  as if linkedin has any standard.  but, kind of yoda-ish through my filter


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