
Showing posts from January, 2022

Jan 26, 2022

 The dead of winter.  I hate winter.  I suppose that's why I like summer so much.  Fall too...don't forget about fall.  But when it's below zero golf seems a long way away.  Maybe 10 weeks or so.  The last 2 years we played in early March, so let's keep a good thought.  I went to get wine after I finished work today and was heading home and saw a woman pushing a stroller in the parking lot.  I got closer and saw a baby in the stroller without a hat. In 8 degree temps.  I rolled down the window and asked if she needed a ride somewhere.  and she blew me off "no..I am ok".  but your kid has no hat and it's 8 degrees...I tried.  idiocy knows no temperature. Halfway through Station 11.  Still trying to warm up to it.  I know there is a new season of Afterlife on netflix.   and so it goes.  

Sunday, Jan 9, 2022

 It's been 2 months since my last post.  I used to post daily, sometimes twice daily.  I used to read a book every week.  I used to be able to dunk a basketball.  I used to go to a job every day that I hated.  lots of things I used to do.  Then I started doing other things.  but, I do enjoy writing.  I have to get back to writing more.   The bears season ended today.  big deal.  and winter sucks.  we are at least 10 weeks from golfing.  so, I have to find something productive to do.   As I have written (ad nauseum) I am not a holiday person, so I look forward to the end of the holiday season each year.  However, this year, my kids and I were going to get together on Christmas and did not due to covid.  We were going to get together on Jan 1, and that was scrapped due to weather.  We did get together on Jan 2, which was nice.  and, I was supposed to bring a present to my grand daughter today that I had ordered over a month ago.  but we had an ice storm last night, so will deliver th