Thursday, Oct 22, 2020

 Once again, I have a gap of a few weeks between posts.  Writing is something I have to do regularly to be motivated to do it more.  Like when I was a runner, the more I ran, the more I wanted to run.  Until I realized how stupid it was to be a runner.  

The presidential debate is on tonight.  When I started writing this blog in 2008, we were just done with obama's first election win.  Look at what a shithole the country has become in 12 years.  I suppose the country is what you think of it.  Still there is no better place in the world to live, so there's that.  

Also, when I started this blog, I had been laid off, and it was Christmas season.  I was laid off or between jobs 3 more times since then.  This last time has been pretty good...the lockdown happened, and hiring is non existant now, so I am enjoying being off.  Because, to not enjoy the time off would be a waste of a day.  and at this age, there ain't a lot of sand left in the top half of the hourglass.  

and, like I did in 2008, I started making notes to write a second book.  I have another concept that I started, but I didn't feel like finishing.  Maybe I will get this one farther - it's another business self help concept.  Non threatening...fairly middle of the road.  hopefully I get some momentum.

so, the debate starts in 90 mins.  there is a football game on...with 2 lousy teams.  looks like and early night.  


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