
Showing posts from July, 2020

Sunday, July 12, 2020

a beautiful summer day.  we played golf at 6:40 this morning.  I almost overslept....I know I set my phone alarm, then was watching fights until 12:45 last night.  No alarm went off this morning, I swear.  I woke up at 6:05 like I do if the alarm wasn't set.  and had to haul ass to make it for the tee time...about 20 miles.  but, I made it, I played like shit, and I had a wonderful time.  I have been fighting a back problem, so golf is even more punishing than normal. so, my last posting mentioned a meth faced woman I saw going through the garbage can outside of Jewel.  I went to Jewel yesterday and always buy a lottery ticket on Saturday from the machine near the exit.  and there was a woman going through the little trash can where people toss their losing tickets after scanning them.  I stood there for a second...and the woman finishes her garbage work and looks at me.  and it was the meth faced woman.  but the really odd thing is that she looked at me like she knew me.  she ki

July 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July.  or has that been cancelled because if offends someone? such a shithole this country has become.  Violence and looting is seen as an acceptable response.  Everything offends someone, so everything must change.   anyway, that won't be solved...the country will continue to spiral into the shitter.  Until then, enjoy yourself. I haven't posted since late May.  and not much has happened since then.  Well, I suppose some things have, but no point in bellyaching about them. Today I was going to the grocery store, and was walking toward the garbage can to toss my gum before I put my hoax mask on.  there was a woman frantically looking through the garbage as I came close.  She walked toward me, and had the prototypical meth face...the kind you'd see in a story about meth addiction.  and she was wearing a t-shirt that said "I make beer disappear".  and in that moment, I knew that things were getting back to normal.  Thank you, meth face lady.