Wednesday, May 15, 2019

busy, busy, busy...I have been writing more on Linkedin, and not so much on this blog.  I am still trying to launch my consulting business on LinkedIn, or at least get my name out there.  And I believe I have been.  and I will keep at it.

So...tonight is the season finale of Survivor.  I know I have posted on the night of the finale several times.  I believe I have seen every episode of survivor.  so I deserve your pity.  But it is frightening how quickly a season of a weekly show goes by.  And so I will waste 3 hours tonight watching survivor. 
Another show I like is Last Man Standing.  Not because I am a Tim Allen fan, but I like Nancy Travis, who plays his wife on the show.  I guess I am really showing my age. 

and I visited my friend last weekend who is in the process of moving to Florida.  We had a great time golfing and relaxing.  I wish him much luck as he transitions from the piss puddle that is Illinois to sunny Florida.  I have been here since Jan 19 and I have not worn long pants since I got here. 

My blog writing is out of practice.  I have to get back to posting on a more regular basis.  11 years and counting....


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