
Showing posts from May, 2019

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I have been job searching and doing my witty postings on Linkedin for Warden Consulting, so have not posted here since Wednesday.  I checked today and I had 21 views today from Russia.  Clearly, Russia knows a genius when they read one.  Wait...I better not write like that lest the libs accuse me of collusion.  what a joke.  do your jobs already.  if not for these investigations, what would these mopes be doing?  I walked over 13000 steps today.  and the chafing is severe.  and I have no type of chafing lotion.  ouch. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

busy, busy, busy...I have been writing more on Linkedin, and not so much on this blog.  I am still trying to launch my consulting business on LinkedIn, or at least get my name out there.  And I believe I have been.  and I will keep at it. So...tonight is the season finale of Survivor.  I know I have posted on the night of the finale several times.  I believe I have seen every episode of survivor.  so I deserve your pity.  But it is frightening how quickly a season of a weekly show goes by.  And so I will waste 3 hours tonight watching survivor.  Another show I like is Last Man Standing.  Not because I am a Tim Allen fan, but I like Nancy Travis, who plays his wife on the show.  I guess I am really showing my age.  and I visited my friend last weekend who is in the process of moving to Florida.  We had a great time golfing and relaxing.  I wish him much luck as he transitions from the piss puddle that is Illinois to sunny Florida.  I have been here since Jan 19 and I have not worn

Thursday, May 2, 2019

I haven't posted in over 2 weeks.  I have been posting on Linkedin, trying to promote my consulting business.  No calls yet, but that will happen.  I have been posting a daily message for about a month.  I also posed a link to my book and got 240 downloads while it was free.  Hopefully it will lead to something.  I am not by nature a marketing person, so this is new to me.  However, I have seen it done well, and done poorly so I know which is which. Still enjoying being in Florida.  The job search continues.  My preference, obviously, is to have my consulting business take off but will stay on the search as well. more later...