
Showing posts from January, 2019

Thursday, Jan 31, 2019

The job search continues. Still slow.  I realized yesterday that I see so few folks in my linkedin network changing jobs, and I can't imagine there aren't many in the job market.  But it is better to have a job than not, so I will continue to grind away at it. My friend printed some copies of Don't Be That Guy.  They came out very nice.  Maybe I can sell some.  That's the ticket.  and another week passed before I posted to this blog.  I really need to get back to regularly posting, if only to document some of the thoughts I need to move on.  right now I have none of those thoughts.

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019

Got moved out last week and came to Florida to visit my mom.  Same lack of success in the job search.  That seems to be the case with all the job seekers i know.  I am glad to have missed the storm that hit after I hit the road on Friday.  It is good to see the Family in Florida.  I never did visit enough, so now I can catch up.  and enjoy the weather.  I was on a podcast with my friend Neil yesterday.  Neil was a good interviewer and I came off reasonably well.  A link is below for your listening pleasure.

Jan 17, 2019

January 17, 2019 I got a lot done with a lot left to do. Moved out of my apartment yesterday.   Staying  with my brother and he and I hit the road for Florida tomorrow morning.  Hopefully we beat the  storm that is on its way here.  I  have all my clothes in the car (except for sweaters and  jackets).  It will be nice to see my family there, and stay with  my mom. I am still fatigued from the procedure last month, so Florida is no doubt  a better place to recover. nothing on the job front. I  will keep at it - I have an interview in Ft Lauderdale on Monday. Maybe that will be the one.

Jan 10, 2019

I haven't written since Dec 31.  And no reason other than laziness.  No action in the job search.  I am gearing up for a move to Florida next week.  Putting my furniture in storage, and just taking my clothes.  And golf clubs.  I am looking forward to the trip to see if it is a place I will put down in not come back.  Who knows.  In the course of this job search I sent resumes far and wide and Florida is better than most of them.  Plus will be nice to live with Mom and be near family down there.  I took a fall in the parking lot last winter, and that was the first sign that I really need to be somewhere without ice to fall on. ok..that is it for today...more to follow tomorrow.