Sunday, July 29, 2018

ok...much more awake (or is it woke?)
than last night when I attempted to write last night. At 59 yrs old (60 in 3 wks) I don't have any staying power anymore.  Never really did.

after a week in paradise, back to work tomorrow.   for a week until I am done at my current job, and have to find a new  imagine how nice a week of no phone, no text, no email, no talking to nice would that be? get called on the radio to tell you that you are now a was that nice.

Maybe that is why me and the crew are going 36 yrs and counting.  and hopefully a few more years before we call it.  The conversations we have at dinner, or those I have with my boatmate have now changed...what if one of these years not all of us are able to go? long do we all think we can go? what if one of us checks out? ....we laugh about it, but we all know.  We are blessed to have made it to that age, but are now at that age.

I showed my bud (who has spent a week each year in a boat with me for the last 13 yrs) what kind of shoreline I want my ashes dumped on, if it comes to that.  Isn't that something.....from young butt kickers who could get to any lake anywhere to picking out where your ashes should be scattered if you go before they do....

I read what I just wrote above and laugh...because we aren't far from that.  hopefully not close either...

and with that, good night.


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