Monday, July 30, 2018

Today was the first day back at work.....but the first day of my last week.  So it doesn't really count, does it?  are you jealous? 

It was the first day in the new office building.  A nice office with a good view.  and one that I will be glad to not go to after this week.  No golf simulator, and  no friendly face to see every morning.  it sucks.

As I do on every fishing trip, I sat in the boat in solitude, and thought about how when I get home , I will lose weight, exercise more, get healthy, and generally be a much better version of myself.  and tomorrow, I will start right in on that. 
For today, I can at least let the last vestiges of a wonderful vacation wear off before I immerse myself in the morass that is every day life.  kind of like blowing a smoke ring and watching it dissipate into nothingness.  When I smoked, I could blow good smoke rings, so I know of what I speak.

and an update...on the drive to Canada, my knee was killing me.  After an hour, I could not get comfortable and it was a 16 hr drive.  My crew was willing to do whatever....put the seat all the way back, put my leg up on the dashboard, etc...but nothing helped.  For the week up there it was not bad.  and today it is killing me again.  but, if that is the worst thing I have to complain about, I am living a charmed life. 

and with that, I am signing off  having said nothing of substance.  it's one of those days. maybe if someone started a gofundme page I could really write well.


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