July 3, 2018

Having a day off mid week has me confused.  I had no plans tonight so planned to watch the finale of the Ultimate fighter, then Alone is on tomorrow.  Except when I looked at the channel listings, Ultimate Fighter was not on.  then I realized it is on tomorrow, and Alone is on Thursday.  sad when your day off is build around what shows you will fall asleep watching.  but such is life. 

On Thursday it will be 2 weeks post op.  Things coming along well - not too much soreness remaining, and the physical therapy has helped.  More on Friday.  I really need to commit to losing weight to take some weight off the knees.  but as the old saying goes (that I just made up) is the best time to diet is 20 lbs ago, the second best time is a month from now.

2 weeks from Friday we leave for Canada.  then I have one week of work left after I get back - my end date is Aug 3.  I haven't really looked for a job too hard - other than blindly emailing resumes I know won't get seen.  but, as with every year, a week of sitting in a boat pondering my future will help me figure everything out.  It has every year since 1982.  I just forget all the smart things I think of once I get home.


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