July 28, 2018

There's tired, and  there is this...got up at 4:30am, picked up by the plane at 5:15 on the road before 7am and just got back to my place at 9:15 pm.
Once again, it was an outstanding trip.  good fishing, huge lake, and great friends.  The 4 of us have a routine that works.  We hit the road at 3am last Thursday, got there Friday around 6pm and have been on the run (if on the run means fishing, playing cards, etc) since then. We fished about 8 hrs a day, ate too much and chilled.  There was a horseshoe pit on the sand bar, and we played shoes every day.  really nice to be playing shoes in the wilderness with tunes blaring and a beer sitting off to the side. 

A week should not pass so quickly.  but that means a good time was had by all. and the next year before we go fishing again will pass even quicker. until then, it's back to the shitshow that is society. 

not much else to write of tonight.  I do have plenty of nice pictures to post.  I suppose to most they are just pictures of water and trees.  But being there and being moved to get out the camera and take a picture of whatever you thought was picture-worthy is quite nice.

good to be back, but I could have stayed in the woods for another month. 


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