July 2, 2018

since my last post, the year 2018 is now more than 50% elapsed.  It's hard to believe how quicky a half year can pass.  Far too quickly, especially at this point of my life where my next birthday will be my 60th,

Watching Inglorious Basterds,  which I have seen several times.  meh...was good the first time I saw it, the 3rd, not so much.

marking time until I am done at work.  I got rejections from the interviews I had, which is good since each of them looked like another job that wouldn't be too good.  But what job will be?  I guess the trick is to be able to eat a lot of shit and not let it bother you. 

at any rate, fishing trip is 2 weeks away.  maybe I can figure out my next move while sitting in a boat in a wilderness lake.  I have not been able to do so in the previous 30 some trips...but maybe this is the year.


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