July 18, 2018

I unpacked and repacked again.  There is a windbreaker I was looking for but can't find, so I will take a fleece jacket that already has a cigar hole burned into it.  Otherwise all the same gear.  In the early years we brought next to nothing in terms of extra clothes, even fishing equipment.  then we started bringing a boom box and CDs.  We'd go through about 40 D batteries in a week.  Then I brought an Ipod and cheap speaker and the Ipod would last most of the week.  Now we take an XM radio, mp3 player (with 1000 songs on a tiny player), and bluetooth speaker.  The cabins now have a charger we can hook up the electronics to, or run the XM radio off.  We used to use about $50 in batteries for the XM radio, now we don't need any because we can run it off the plug.

I look at the previous paragraph I wrote and conclude that I am now an old man.  but with a 36 year period of fishing trips, you can't help but take notice of the changes.

We used to drive to Ely, MN, about a 10 hr drive as I recall.  Then we started driving just over the Canada border and flying an hour to an outpost.  Then we started driving 2 hrs past that, and flying farther.  We now drive 16 hrs, then fly north from there.  The wilderness gets farther away from us every year. 

Leaving work early tomorrow, get a buzz cut, lay around for a bit, leave at 2am to meet up, on the road by 3am.  In Armstrong by 6pm.  party it up, get up at 5 and hopefully fly to the lake.  then we really relax.  so, this will be the last post for at least 10 days.  on hiatus. 

If all goes well, I will get a radio call by Tuesday that I am a grandfather.  That will be nice Think of it...getting that kind of news and being in paradise.  as Napoleon Dynamite would say "Lucky"  (in the Napoleon voice).  I couldn't find that scene, but here is the climactic dance scene.  Where we all admired Napoleon for following his heart.


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