July 12, 2018

I have been too lazy to write the last few days.  Too lazy to do much, and that is no excuse.  I did take a walk tonight, so the needle is pointing up.  If pointing up means doing slightly more than nothing.

But, today was 3 weeks since knee surgery.  It feels better by the day - still painful at times but way better than before surgery.  I am playing golf Sunday, and hopefully I shoot like I did last Sunday.  I stopped in at the physical therapist office today.  I was supposed to book an appointment Friday but got tied up doing not much.  Anyway, I saw the PT and told him I golfed and all was well.  He didn't care and only feigned interest, minor at best.  But, yours truly golfed 2 weeks after surgery after being told to wait 6 weeks.  so there. actually he said he loved hearing that. 

I saw one of the most alarming things yesterday.  I was walking to the train station at the end of the day, had my ear buds in, listening to the same songs I have heard a million times...and I see people looking toward the busy street.   I look over and there is a blind lady and her guide dog is walking her DIAGONALLY ACROSS THE INTERSECTION.    This was at Washington and Canal - a very busy intersection.  She was past halfway, or I swear I would have limped out to get her.  It was like watching a duck cross a busy street...anyway - who the eff trained that dog?  That's kind of a bad guide dog thing.  Honestly - what was that dog thinking?

anyway - the show Alone is getting tiresome.  I have done my first packing for Canada.  I will take my gear apart and repack it a few more times before leaving in one week.  Hopefully I am a grandfather before I go, otherwise I will rely on my son getting me a message from the outfitter on the radio.


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