April 24, 2018

I'm not sure what led to that extremely lame post of 2 days ago.  My 2 readers expect more than that from me.  But, Summer Rain is a great song.  We used to listen to Johnny Rivers Greatest Hits....back in 1976.  Over 40 yrs ago.  Eek... 

The weather is finally getting better.  Now I can call my golf bud on our drives home from work to finalize golf details.  beyond what time and where, not really too much to finalize.  but, perfect practice makes perfect.  if only applied to showing up on time to tee off.  after that first shot the whole plan goes to shit anyway.

What to do on a Tuesday?  I already ate too much, so will probably sit around like a lump until I fall asleep watching tv, then will wake up around midnight and go to bed.  but, that is exactly what I want to do.  who among us can say they are doing exactly what they want to do?  therein lies the goal.  I watched Castaway for the 25th time last night, and Gladiator again the night before (2 sundays in a row for Gladiator).  Maybe Shawshank will be on tonight.  I've probably seen that 30 times.  Stand By Me was on the other night too - a classic.  They don't make movies like that anymore.   Jesus, Does Anybody?  (those were the last words Richard Dreyfus types at the end of the movie).

as Bill and Ted so elequently stated:  Be Excellent

Image result for bill and ted


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