April 11, 2018

I was talking to a supplier that I speak with often.  and because he is a good account exec, he lets me rant on.  which I often do.  so, we were talking about my "best day of my life" schtick, and how most folks aren't used to hearing someone so positive. 

so, I typed out the 2 extremes.  read the first and see how you feel:

Yesterday was the worst day of my life
And today was even worse than yesterday
And tomorrow will be worse than today

Pretty bleak, huh?  now read:

Yesterday was the best day of my life
And today was even better than yesterday
And tomorrow will be better than today

Is it just me, or is there a different feel to the second stanza?  ok - I will let that subject rest, as a person can only be so positive before they become sickening.  Have you seen the videos on facebook of the little kids that hear for the first time...how excited they get to finally hear.  or the little ones that put on glasses for the first time and are so excited to finally see...that is how it should be when you change from a shitty outlook to a better one. 

and, per my posting last night about Flo, let's not forget about Vic Tayback, the grouchy, stingy owner of Mel's Diner, of course from the Alice show.  Here he is with Flo, when Flo still worked for him.  And, of course, Linda Lavin as Alice. Don't let Vic/Mel's smile fool you.  He was pretty crusty.

Image result for mel's diner


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