April 1, 2018. Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday.  I remember as a kid getting an Easter basket full of chocolate eggs, peeps, jelly beans.  And when my kids were little, more of the same.  Now Easter is just another Sunday.  I remember from Catholic school the nuns saying that Easter was the most solemn of Christian holidays, which was hard for us to understand since Christmas was a holiday with presents.  Now displaying any degree of Christianity in America is frowned upon.  I no longer have much to do with Christianity, but not for that reason. Now that I think of it, back in the day, divorce was completely unacceptable in the Catholic church....while priests sodomizing young boys was not. go figure.


On Friday I wrote of Sundays being spent not looking forward to work on Monday.  As I sit here watching golf, I really don't care, one way or the other.  Maybe it's because I had some lousy jobs or lousy bosses previously, but who hasn't?  I believe I have mastered the approach of not giving a crap.  I wish I had figured this out years ago.

But, I am really having an anxiety attack due to next weekend's weather looking like no golf can be played.  The winter, and it's crap weather, have gone on long enough.  At this point, I will continue to plan my move to Florida.

as Don Henley sang in Sunset Grill...."Meanwhile, have another beer...."

ok, now back to the last 2 holes of the Houston open..


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