March 30, 2018

the end of March, and I have a fire going in the fireplace.  It should be spring by now.  but far from it.  We are supposed to play golf tomorrow.  It will be cold, but I hope we do play - I have been hitting balls in the simulator all winter.  It is time to play.  The grass hasn't started to green up yet,  the fairways will be soft, but might as well give it a go.  All the more reason to leave this climate.  In Arizona and Florida,  we'd be in mid season form by now.  If mid season form means really sucking at golf. 

It's funny how my focus has changed.  I used to love weekends and rue Sunday nights because work was coming on Monday.  Now I really don't give a crap.  I go to work, do my job and go home.  At this point in my career I have seen so many organizations go through the inevitable life cycle - startup, growth, and downward cycle.  I have been in too many downward cycles...I think we apply for jobs not knowing the ship is sinking.  We get hired to bail, but can't bail fast enough to keep the ship from going keel up.  and then we move on to the next sinking ship.  and we do it again even though we said we would never do that again. No more of that for me.  That is for those younger and more stupid and gullible than I am. 

and I leave you with the line I say to someone almost every day when they ask me how it is going ("how is it going today, sir?"...I guess I look like a sir now.). 

and I say to them:

well, yesterday was the best day of my life.  and today was even better.  and tomorrow will be better than today.  

Try saying that to a stranger who asks you how it is going.  and so many times you see a person that needed to hear that - you will see what I mean when you see the look on their face - it is priceless.  Maybe I don't look like the kind of guy that would say something like that???. or have I just become one of those weird old men who has no filter?   at any rate, it seems to make someones day more often than not. 

I had something else to write about that was pretty cool, but I will save it.  because I am watching golf. 


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