March 23, 2018 life off the road

I left 90 degree weather this morning and now back in chilly Chicago.  I used to travel more for work, but it can be a pain.  Checking out of the hotel, returning the car, security, flight, the ever-shrinking airplane seats, 2 hour time difference.  But, it's good to be busy. 

as I wrote the other night, you meet some interesting people at the hotel.  All of them are travelers like I was and rooting for a different team in the tourney.  My usual night at home is watching tv in my apartment, so interacting with actual human beings was different. 

and appropos of nothing, I saw the trailer for an updated Karate Kid movie...34 years later.  Ralph Macchio and Johnny are both in it.  Sure to be on cable shortly after release.  As I type this I am watching Varsity Blues which came out in 1999.  The classics never get old. 


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