March 15, 2018

Back when I still played bball, I looked forward to March Madness....the first 2 days have 16 games each day.  These days, I really couldn't care less.  I have the games on tv, but not that interested.  Now if there was a show on about people drilling for treasure, and finding nothing....for 4 years, now that I would watch.
Survivor was on last night - I usually post before or after the show...but again, this season still has not been in the least bit interesting.  But I will watch it for the next 12 weeks.  At which time it will be spring...actually summer.  I looked at the calendar and it's 18 wks to fishing.  So, if I play golf twice in March, I should be able to play 12 rounds by the time we go fishing.  Maybe I will get my 85 by then.

as so, tomorrow is Friday.  decently busy weekend (well, doing a bit more than nothing) and then to AZ on Monday.

I was at binny's to get beer to drink while not watching the many games on tonight...and they had a few tables with women offering tastes of several liquors.  I said to the woman what I always say to them when they begin pouring the 3 drops of their free booze, which is "just put a straw in the bottle and give it to me".  and the woman says "oh - must've been a bad day, huh?".  And I gave her my standard line, which is "Maam, today was the most perfect day of my life.  Yesterday was perfect, and today was even more perfect.  And tomorrow will be better than today".  You should see how people look at me when I say that - I imagine I don't look like the type that would say such a profound thing.  I think  they are just mad they didn't think of saying something that a) either describes a perfect day, or b) describes the worst day ever.  It's all in the delivery.

now excuse me - I have to go and not watch bball.


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