March 13, 2018

Busy day. and Oak Island is no longer on; the exciting season finale was last week. I have to wait until November to watch paint dry the most exciting show on tv.  Better Call Saul returns in September.  But that is a long way off...probably 12 rounds of golf and a week of fishing from now.  And I dare not look past May, June, July and August.

I am going to Tucson next week.  I wish it was this week.  I've had it with the cold and snow.  But soon the bad weather will be a distant memory.  At which time it will return.

Hump day tomorrow.  Terms like hump day and TGIF for the younger my age, I wouldn't mind if every day was last Monday.  because we don't get enough days, and shame on us for wishing them away or not enjoying each day you are lucky enough to have. 

Be well, friends.


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