March 1, 2018

The new year is 1/6 elapsed, or about 16%.  The remaining 5/6 of the year will pass equally as fast, because it goes by faster each year.  I was talking to my golf bud about the start of the season.  We try to play a dozen times before we go to Canada in late July, then a dozen after Canada, then we complain about winter for 5 months.  But we are about 4 weeks from playing.  I was thinking of working from home tomorrow....but will take the train downtown as I can hit balls in the simulator.  How's that for dedication???

After posting last night, I looked online for dogs up for adoption.  That is a tough thing to do - I want to take all of them.  I think I will have to get a smaller dog given the size of my apartment (speaking of which I paid the second rent payment today - 1/6 of the lease term).  In the next few weeks I will make the move - I have a business trip coming up, so after that I will take in a roomate.

On the way home from the train tonight, I stopped to get a haircut.  I went back to a buzz cut...the woman asked me 3 times "are you sure you don't want to go with scissors?"...probably because I am moving toward the Trump hair redistribution style. I wonder how Trump does that big swoosh across the front - does he not have a widow's peak like the rest of us?  He must have hair that is a foot long at some area of his head.  At any rate I will go shorter for awhile. .until late fall of 2018 when my bald spots need protection from the elements.

btw - Survivor sucked last night.  looks like another crappy season.  Of course I will be watching every week.


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