Feb 17, 2018

It just stopped snowing.  I went out to pick up Chinese food and the streets were pretty bad.  and so I am in for the evening.  Not much going on tonight.  or any night for that matter.  When the weather improves I will get out more.

I worked from home yesterday, and sat around too much.  When I am sitting like that, I try to get up and walk every hour or so.  About 9pm I decided to take the garbage out, and while walking to the dumpster slipped and fell on a patch of ice in the parking lot.   It had been a long time since I hit the ground that hard.  Things register in your head so quickly...Your brain tells you that you are going down..right around the time your body goes parallel with the ground.  And while on my descent to the ground, my mind told me that the back of my head would be hitting the ground.  which it did.  I had to lay there on the wet ice for a minute and take stock of the situation...nothing broken...got up and  tossed the bag in the dumpster..then realized I  couldn't see and figured my glasses had fallen off.  So, crawled around looking for them.  I am pretty sore today, and have a headache.  But I was very lucky to not have broken anything....that would have been bad.  Went to the health club and sat in the whirlpool, and will do that again tomorrow.

The Daytona 500 is tomorrow.  That race is the first of the Nascar season, and a tease that spring is coming.  The actual start of spring will be when the Masters is played the first weekend in April. 

I wish I had some wine, but too lazy to go out and get some.  Maybe tomorrow. 


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