Feb 1, 2018

It is very cold out - 8 degrees....It's supposed to be getting warmer this late in the winter.  I think it was last Feb 5 (or was it Feb 19?)...it was a day in February 2017 that the temp was 72, and we played golf.  We had never golfed in Illinois in February....every other month of the year we did play.  Maybe we'll get a warmup (of 64 degrees) and can golf this February.

At work today, a lot of folks I know got let go.  Things are bad all over - despite what the news tells us.  I knew 6 folks from my office that were affected.  They all sat by me, and my closest friend who I walked with at lunch twice a week, and who played shuffleboard in the building lounge (he usually won but would let me fire foosballs past him afterward) got the word too.  I have been let go from a job twice, and left on my own twice...and it sucks.  You have a good few days off, but then are ready to go back to work.  but there is no work to go to.  I remember how frustrating it is.  and hope I don't have to face that situation anytime soon.  Filing for unemployment...sending out resumes....networking...all part of the process, of course.  In my much anticipated book (anticipated by me) I do preciently state "be who you are, not what you do".   Which, of course, is brilliant, however it costs money to be who you are.  Actually, it costs money to buy stuff...not to enjoy life.  so my statement was right.  now buy my book.

OK - not to toot my own horn, or bang my own drum, or pat myself on the back, or whatever else a person could do to themself ...I was skyping with a coworker.  And in the course of the conversation, his reply to one of my skypes:

Well said Dave -you can inspire people with such words. You should make cards

the lesson here - the emails I used to send (remember CWill?) where I was being a butthole were selfish....getting a response like the one above is priceless.  made my day.


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