Jan 5

Finally Friday.  Fridays and weekends don't really excite me these days.  It's nice to not get up at 5 and take the train downtown, but for now, I don't feel like taking advantage of the time off.  When I am at work, it is the same as any other day. You leave the house at 6:30, get home at 6, and all is the same.  stability....no change....no unsettled feeling.

These days, my home moves every few weeks.   Now, that shouldn't keep me from going out to a bar, working out,  or going to a movie...but for some reason I am too lazy or too disinterested to take the bold step of actually doing something.  Plus, the sub-zero temperature does not provide any excitement for leaving the house.   Whichever house I am in at that time.  But, in the near future, a few elements of this divorce situation will be resolved and I will be at the next step.  Toward what, I do not know.  At a minimum, we will be a few weeks closer to spring.  and golf.

A friend told me a great story today about honoring the woman that played the role of his grandmother.  He and his brother lived up to their promise to her of the ceremony they said they would have for her, involving shots and beers.  Nice to know there are people like him out there still.  I suppose we all know them, or are them.  and we should all be them.

which brings me to....I went to my attorney's office to pay my bill today.  I explained the situation with the divorce, and that I had not really pushed things because a relative on my wife's side is ill with liver cancer.  the attorney called me a Mensch, and proceeded to tell me a Mensch is a Jewish term for a good hearted person and I was thoughtful for being respectful of the illness in the family..  I then told him I had volunteered to be tested for compatibility to donate part of my liver.  (and if needed I would).  He said I was a real Mensch.  It may not come to that, but as I told another friend of mine over lunch yesterday, it's something to do. I had made that offer before - one of these days my mouth will catch up with me and I will lose an organ.  bad joke time....putting a piece of my liver in someone is like putting a bike tire on a monster truck.  if anyone has a better analogy, feel free to leave a comment  I will probably think of a better one later once my liver gets warmed up.


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