Jan 31, 2018

Rule 1 of public life.  Don't be photographed like Nancy Pigfacey.  She looks like she has just swallowed a live mouse.

I meant to write of this before.....but...
With all the changes going on in my world, I started taking an earlier train than before..the 6:53 vs the 7:11.  You get used to seeing the same folks at the same spot on the platform, and develop a nodding relationship with some of them.  I got to know a guy named Mark....we'd say hi each morning and talked on the days we took the 653 train...We usually took the same train home...and he'd get off the train and take off running to get to his car to beat the traffic out of the lot.  Two weeks ago, he told me he had 2 weeks to go to retirement...57 yrs old, and he got a package to leave.  I saw him a few times in that final 2 weeks...and his last day was this past Friday... and when the train pulled into the Arlington Park stop on his last ride home on his last day...he took off running like a madman...on his last day.  I would have thought he'd chill and revel in the fact that he would no longer have to be a robot to a train schedule...give the finger to the losers that run like fools to their cars.  Maybe that habit was hard to break.  I never once ran to my car and never really had a delay getting out of the lot.  who knows why people do what they do.   


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