Jan 23, 2018

As I do every Tuesday night, watching the Oak Island show.  And, surprisingly so, nothing happening.  I am starting to think that those who watch it are fantisizing...not about finding a treasure.  No - fantisizing about living on an island in the ocean and digging for a treasure that is not there.  Since there seem to be no golf courses there, just acting like they are doing something constructive.  But really - they are doing less than nothing.  And isn't that what we all fantisize about?  Like a week long fishing trip to the wilderness.

now excuse me.  I have to get back to the show, lest I miss something. I was going to work on my book tonight.  but in keeping with the Oak Island spirit, I will do nothing.

late edit - I told my friend at work I had to get something checked at the doc.  And she asked if I would have the spot in my ear checked too...now, I had something burned out of my ear a few years ago...not a problem and I had forgotten about it..  but I looked in the mirror......THE INSIDE OF MY EAR IS BLACK.  WTF IS THAT?  I know it is nothing to worry about(based on the last time I had it checked), but to my friends...please tell me if the inside of my other ear turns black.  I look like a dalmation.


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