Jan 18, 2018

Thursday night...almost time to call it a night (it's nearly 10 o'clock after all).  Tomorrow night I pick up the keys to the apartment, and I will move in on Saturday.  It was very nice to stay with my brother and his family since the shit hit the fan.  Now that things are progressing, it will be nice to have a place of my own that I can invite them over to.  As I have written, I give myself 12 months for the next move.  To a better climate, maybe...but until then, I won't look past tomorrow.  Life is too short to look past tomorrow.  and if you do, shame on you. I'll take the days you are looking past if you don't want them.

A person I was doing business with got let go from their job.  This person was very good on my account, and the company that let her go will have issues servicing my account.  My job isn't to make a suppliers job easy. Actually, believe it or not, I can be difficult...I call it acting like a client .but I try not to do that much.  Maybe once in awhile to keep myself sharp and keep them on their toes.  (I reworded the sentence above but you can guess at what used to be "acting like a client").

I have had a few coworkers and other professionals review the draft I am working on.  I was talking to one of them today to get their impression, and asked if she learned anything from the draft...and she said "Dave, I learn something everything I talk to you".  Now, either I can be happy with that response, or be concerned that she evaded the question.  I will have to ponder that.  Of course, KK, who printed the book, put it in a binder, and annotated his comments gets the gold star so far. Each of you gets a dedication when it is published.  Or a fresh xerox copy if it is not published.

On to Friday....and then a busy weekend.


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