Thursday, Jan 16, 2014

full circle..I have come full circle.  5 yrs ago, I sat in this very spot blogging about the frustrations of being unemployed.  since then, I have been employed, changed the tone of my postings and generally was a working stiff, enduring the normal issues of the working man.  this week, I left the job I got almost 5 years ago and will be starting a new job on the 27th.  in the course of 5 years, you learn your job, love your job, tire of your job, and move on.  I went through the predictable series of emotions that most working stiffs go through. and now to start that series anew.  with at least 10 years of work left in my career, I wonder how many more stops I will have.  I thought I would stay at this job longer, but things do change, and we have to take charge of our own lot in life. 

onward I go...


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