Friday, Jan 24, 2014

back to work Tuesday of next week.  I met up with my old coworkers last night.  It was nice to see them, say farewell and close the book on that chapter of my work life.  It was fun and sad - nice to hear good things from the team I led.  Knowing that my efforts to lead a high functioning team and have a little fun at the same time were reasonably successful.  I always told them they were the highest functioning team at the company, and hearing the comments from them last night, they know they are.   they will continue to be a very high functioning team after I am gone.  I guess I was successful at what I set out to do.  Putting in place the processes and resources that good people need to have to do great work.  I should write a book on how to do that....instead of this crappy blog.  nah.... 

as I was leaving the bar at 10 pm, I had the thought..."this is how 5 years at a company ends"...appropos of nothing, but it is odd....lots of handshakes, kind words, a few tears from some friends.....the really cool thing is that all of us knew how we felt about each other before I left.  and the words last night were just putting a period on that sentence.  like any time you leave a job, you keep in touch with a few folks for awhile, and then a very few folks after that.  time marches on.  life takes over.  and life is too short to waste a single day.  if you can make the best of the 10 or so hours you spend each day on your work life, you are doing well. 

so - on to the important tasks of getting a haircut, going to wal mart...and watching a few more episodes of breaking bad....bitch...

(CWill - you were right - it does kick ass)


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