Wednesday, Feb. 8

this story is shocking...Illinois was ranked the second worst state to retire in...what is shocking is that there is a state ranked worse than Illinois.

Here's a story about nothing...Gov. Fudd is supposed to offer his plan on the state deficit on Feb. 22.  I love his quote "nobody will get scalped, but everyone will get a haircut".  unless you are collecting a pension, that is.  I can't wait for Fudd to share his wisdom on this sinking ship.,0,7220519.story

and, get off the water - looks like a big one is coming.....I remember being in a boat at 11 am when this one hit....funny thing...when we were young and careless, this kind of storm was nothing more than an annoyance...albeit a dangerous one. put on the rain gear and keep fishing..feeling the hair on your arms stand up because there was so much lightening going on and you were fishing with a graphite rod...and not getting off the water...what a bunch of dumbasses intrepid young explorers we were.....having survived a few of these blows, we now know better to get off the water to fish another day.  the years slap a certain amount of sense into you whether you want them to or not.  I guess getting to the ripe old age of 53 and not having been incinerated by lightening yet will do that to a person.


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