Wednesday, Feb. 29

Leap day.  kind of a ripoff if you think of it - we work one more day this year for no extra pay.

Thanks to Kent for sending this article:

a former Illinois politician giving his farewell to the shithole that is Illinois.  Take a read...when it is all laid out in one article, it paints a pretty stark picture of just how scummy Illinois is.  There ain't no fixing what is wrong with this state...because it is wrong only in the opinion of those who pay taxes, don't collect a pension, and follow the rules made up by the scumbag politicians.

and here is another indicator of how the scumbag politicians do what they want...and expect us to pay:

Apparently the IL lawmakers passed a pension loophole for themselves in 1990. They can make a onetime payment and can significantly increase their monthly pension; In Beavers case, for a onetime payment 68K, he bumped his City pension from 2800 to 6300 per month…14 month payback. If Beavers would have used his own money, it would have been perfectly legal.

Defendant Masked His Personal Use of Campaign Funds to Increase his Pension Annuity
Through False Campaign Records
10. It was further part of the corrupt endeavor that on or about November 14, 2006,
defendant WILLIAM BEAVERS caused a $68,763.07 check to be issued from the Citizens for
Beavers checking account to a City of Chicago employee pension fund in order to obtain a larger
annuity upon retirement and caused the campaign committee not to accurately report the check’s
true purpose in its books and records.

Beavis contributed a one time payment, then his pension almost tripled.

eacho peas sheeple.

cook county...what a shithole.


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