Wednesday, Feb. 15

here is an interesting video clip with Nancy Pelosi, big piece of poop and inside trader, talking about what the Dems would do to lower gas prices
remember - this was from 2007.  before our messiah was elected president.  before pelosi made millions on insider trading.  but we sheep are coerced into eating these turds....why do we eat these turds?  why do we keep electing crooks? 

now look at the bs that our colossal failure of a president puts out there about the price of gas.
folks, we are in really bad shape here.
the emperor is wearing no clothes.
things do not look good for our community organizer.  what a colossal failure this social experiment has turned out to be...well, for those of us who pay taxes, anyway.  for the 49% that don't??  enjoy your laziness. 

I almost forgot - a new season of Survivor starts tonight.  and again, I think to myself: "maybe this season will be the first one in awhile that doesn't suck".  but I am always disappointed, as the last 10 or so seasons have sucked.  joke's on me....

and, who said American Engineering is dead???  I designed and built this beer can holder in the boat.  patent pending. 


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