Tuesday, Feb. 21

Well, here is a story that is shocking....just shocking.  Seems that older workers are not retiring...because they can't afford to retire.
the cost of everything is going up due to our failure-in-chief printing money like he has no clue what he is doing  (but, he really has no clue of what he is doing).  just wait a few years until the real impacet of his irresponsible spending takes hold.  our property taxes are going up even though the value of our houses is going down dramatically.  we are being taxed every which way possible.  and, the mopes drawing pensions are getting an increase every year...on us...

Here's another story that should infuriate you. 
because comed cannot be price competitive, communities are buying power from alternative suppliers at less cost than comed charges....so what will comed do...perhaps lower rates to be more competitive?????  why no - they will just jack up rates to those suckers who still buy power from them.

another by-product of the shithole that is Illinois politics.

Yo Fudd - how you be doin???  You could not manage a shoe store let alone govern a state.  Looking forward to hearing your words of wisdom tomorrow. 


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