Thursday, Feb 2

Groundhog day.  what a silly, dated concept.  6 more weeks of winter?  whatever...***

Gov. Fudd Quinn's speach yesterday was beyond delusional.  Illinois is in a deep financial hole of a magnatude that we will never emerge from...never.  and he is proposing multiple income cuts and more aid to the downtrodden. who will pay for these things?  who will pay for the billions in vendor bills piling up?  who will pay for the out of control pensions?   he is going to tell us those answers in 3 weeks.  He will have all the answers for us because he is very wise....sure...

I see American Airlines is going to cut 13,000 jobs.  Overall, job cuts are up 24% from a year ago.  and what does our first lady think of this?

remarkable progress...what more can be said???  this from a person who has spent $14 million on her vacations of the last year.  probably ate a lot of peas on those vacations, too.

I'll say this - nice rainbow, huh?  if I knew how many youtube hits that one guy got for crying about the rainbow, I would have done that too.  (watch the youtube clip - really funny)


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