Thursday, Feb. 16

Here is a link illustrating just how badly we were misled by Obama in the 2008 campaign.  No one realized how bad things were, so he should get a pass on how bad things are now????

Huh?  we watched him point at the camera and say "LOOK", as if the next words out of his mouth needed to be identified for their geniusness....but he did not know how bad things were, nor how to fix them.  His record of voting "present" over 100 times did not give him the political seasoning that a President should have. 
"a lot of us didn't understand how bad things would get"?????  you moron.  I understood, and continue to understand.  I don't get to take a private 747 on vacations...and you told us we had to eat our peas.  so the regular guy has to eat peas...while you and your family eat steak.

what a mistake this county made in 2008.  what a colossal failure.  the emperor is wearing no clothes, folks.  reminds me of the Chicago Bulls in their heyday...they had a great team, and an arrogant general manager who couldn't wait to break up the dynasty and rebuild it to show he could build a great team.  Once he chased off the superstars like Jordan and Pippen, and the coach, he set out to trade and draft new talent...except that he was a failure at doing so....he kept promising that one more bad, unwatchable year of basketball would lead to the dynasty he was building...but he never did.  and he was fired for his failure...
more news about how good things are getting in our economy:

sound familiar??
and the media goes along with this doublespeak... when does accountability start?


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