Sunday, Feb. 5

8:30 am and I am already sick of the super bowl pre-game banter and analysys.  and it is 9 hours to kickoff.  guess I will have to find something to do for most of the day that does not involve sitting in front of the tv.

I did hear a few news reports over the last few days that the economy had added 246M jobs, and unemployment was now down to 8.6%.  BUT.......the attached story presents a dissenting opinion:

take a read and focus on the graphs....reasonably easy to understand what is going on here.

the white house has just ceased to count the long term unemployed. the figures they use to bolster their case for a better economic picture include a record reduction of the pool of job seekers.  before the November election, look for this administration to cease counting the unemployed althgether...resulting in an unemployment rate of 0.0%.

typical of this administration - if the results don't suit your agenda, just lower the bar. and that is what we continue to do. 

enjoy the game.  or enjoy not watching the game.  whatever you choose to do....after all, this is America.


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