Saturday, Feb. 4...posted on Friday Feb 3...because I had a creative jolt..and am "exhausted"

Illinois...the dreadful piss puddle of epic proportions...the most poorly run of the 50 states...with billions in unpayable debt, and a pension mess that will only be fixed once it is declared insolvent and the feds step in...and what is our pantload governor doing to help fix these major problems????

why, he is going on a radio show and eating a spoonful of cinnamon....huh???  what next, Fudd - go on Fear Factor and drink a glass of mule about eating a dog turd - is that undignified enough for you? you are an embarassment to the rest of us who are footing the bill for your idiocy.

Illinois - just when you think it has reached the pinnacle of shithole status, our autistic drunken uncle Fudd makes us look even worse...Fudd, you happy retard, you.  hold up a sheet of paper that says you are a retard and make a goofy face, ok?

on an unrealted note, check this out...this guy used to be on the channel 7 morning news..and got canned for not showing up due to "exhaustion".  now he is an acknowledged drug addict...but says he will run for president...and Rosanne Barr/Arnold/Fatass is also throwing her hat in the presidential ring...

Come to think of it, could either be worse than our current colossal failure....

now, please excuse me...I am feeling "exhausted" and will be feeling more "exhausted" later - well, to whatever degree lite beer can make you exhausted, anyway... 


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